Sinopsis : After the first series that tells the story of an innocent romance beauty Aihara Kotoko (played by Miki Honoka) and the cold Irie Naoki (played by Yuki Furukawa) succeeded in a marriage and continued with the special episode revolves around a sweet honey journey is now in the second series will reveals a drama after they became husband and wife.
Kotoko very happy now he can live together and close with Irie and his family every day, but because they got married after high school, then Naoki need to continue their education because Naoki doctoral university aspires to be a doctor while Kotoko just be a housewife. Kotoko increasingly lonely alone waiting for her husband to come because it is very busy with activities and sometimes rarely come home.
Kotoko finally thinking to resume his school and he chose to become a nurse in order to stay close to her husband, she also managed to get in as a nursing student. But what turned out to be a lesson about the power of nursing poorly digested by Kotoko brain since she can not stand the sight of blood, but fortunately it is plain and funny made him many friends in the university even secretly seseoarang named Keita Kamogari ( Arata Horii direperankan ) began to put the heart to Kotoko. On the other hand started to become cold Naoki properties back to Kotoko who is his wife.
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Update Terakhir - 2 Desember 2014 - Eps yang ke 2
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Episode 2
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